
Monday, January 2, 2012

Meal Plan Monday ~ Jan. 1-6

Happy New Year everyone!  Wow, it's really hard to believe that it is 2012 already!  I swear, it seems like only yesterday that everyone was panicking about Y2K! 

2011 was not the best year for me.  Of course it could have been much worse, but it did bring some stressful times with a layoff and job change for my husband.  It brought some sad changes with my sister and her family moving across the country.  My little muffin also started kindergarten this year which means my babay is growing up!  But above all my family has remained healthy and happy and THAT is what's most important.  So here's hoping for a wonderful 2012 for all!

This is my second glorious week of winter break.  As slowly as I wish it would go, I know it will speed by.  The week will include a few doctor's appointments for the stinks and gulp, a birthday for me.  Anyway, here is what we are eating this week.

Sunday- Ultimate Chicken Fingers, macaroni and cheese (recipe coming soon), carrots and snap peas

Monday- Loaded Baked Potato Soup (new recipe), homemade bread

Tuesday- Sausage with roasted potatoes and peppers (recipe coming soon), rolls

Wednesday- Dinner out for my birthday

Thursday- Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, veggies

For more meal plan ideas check out orgjunkie.com

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, your menu plan looks so good! How do you menu plan each week? If you have a post about menu planning tips, tricks, product reviews, please be sure to link it up to our monthly linky:

