
Monday, December 26, 2011

Meal Plan Monday ~ Week of Dec. 26

So...did everyone survive Christmas?  We had a wonderful couple of days of food, family, fun and presents!  It was a great way to start off a two week vacation!  Now that the holidays are over, completing the items on my Winter Break Bucket List is in full swing.

One of the (many) best things about being on vacation is being able to cook meals stress (and exhaustion) free.  I really try to take advantage of this by making recipes that may be a little more time consuming or labor intensive than I would during an average week.

This week I'll be making some Pinterest inspired dishes and next week I plan to cook from some of my many "to be read" cookbooks.  Sometime next week I also plan on having a big cooking day to stock my freezer before heading back to work on the 9th. is my meal plan for this week.

Monday- Roasted sausage, potatoes and peppers and homemade bread

Tuesday- I'm meeting a friend for dinner so the kids and hubs are on their own.

Wednesday- Crock pot bbq chicken, corn and garlic cheddar biscuits

Thursday- Chicken Scampi

Friday- Not sure yet.

I'll be making some crock pot chocolate cobbler this week also!  Hope everyone has a great week!

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